After seeing Jono's and Bradders magnificent shots of the Dessert Wheatear at Abberton, Russ and I decided to jump on the band waggon and head out this morning. We arrived at the gate 10 minutes before opening, and a couple of early birders pointed it out through the gate posing in the carpark. Gate opened and sure enough the bird went through it's well rehearsed repertoir. After filling our boots we shot off to west Canvey marsh as Russ had seen three Short-Eared Owls there last week. Walking round by the picnic area we put one up which had been roosting in a bush, Russ managed a quick airial and I snapped it when it settled in another bush before it disappeared across the marsh. Brilliant day, with plenty of sunshine. Other birds seen at west canvey; 3 Green Sandpipers, 20 curlew, 10 fieldfare, Redwing, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, 15 Golden Plover.
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