Juvenile female Bearded Tit Lakenheath fen. You can hear these birds pinghing a mile off. There is quite a lot of activity going on at the reserve at the moment, they have 12 Marsh harrier nests , which is one better than last year. These birds are really doing very well. There are also 2 pair of Cranes of which one pair have already lost a clutch of eggs. These fragile nesters are having a close eye kept on them. Two males and one female Golden Oriole have returned, hopes are pinned on the pair in the west wood. Not a bright story for these even more fragile breeders this year. Cuckoos seem to be everywhere , and the general opinion was, that this is so. Other birds that were at the fen that day were, Garganey, Bittern, Spotted Flycatcher, Grasshopper Warbler, Hobby, ect:


Song Thrush


Marsh Orchid Welney. This reserve seems to be doing very well also, with 26 pairs of Avocet nesting both on the main wash and the scrape to the east of the centre. Yellow wag and LRP's are also breeding here.

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