Russ and I thought we would have another go at Southend Pier, so we put £4 in the parking machine and were told once again the Pier was closed due to another boat ramming it. Whats going on! Are these boats coming from the other side of the world and they don't know the pier is there? It's one and a quarter miles long, but there is still 3 miles for them to miss it. Are they all drunk? Two weeks ago I put a fiver in the Parking and it was shut because of ice. " Stop moaning McGough". Anyway we did catch up with the Snow buntings at Shoebury and plenty of waders also. After that we made our way to Two-Tree and being hightide you can't go wrong there. Alls well that ends well. The Pier will be shut for at least 5 weeks because of captain Pugwash.

Snow Buntings in trees?




Grey Plover


Black-Tailed Godwit

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