I must be almost the last person to dip the Dipper. What a strange bird, it has took up residency not on the main river Thet but on a small tributary coming off from it winding through some trees and flowing quite fast in places looking like a scene from Derbyshire. It must feel at home here, plenty of food, plenty of admirers, probably why you can get so close to it it has got used to people. How ever it found this place God only knows, it is actually singing, and if it wants to find a mate..... what chance of another coming this way? The only downside of this trip was the weather, cold, dull, and dismal. The brightest day was saturday on the north coast where my son and I went from Titchwell to Salthouse. Didn't see much in the way of rareties but it's aways a pleasure to be there. On the way home on wednesday we called in at Wimpole Hall to twitch the Hawfinch which has been feeding in the cafe garden for a number of weeks. According to some people who had seen it it had been feeding and sitting yards away, and photo's of the bird confirm this. It wasn't our day so after an hour we left. There are a pair of Ravens in the area also.

Dipper, Thetford.

Snow Bunting, Salthouse.

Snow Buntings bathing in a puddle, Salthouse.

Brambling, Titchwell.

Redshank, Salthouse.

Spotted Redshank, Titchwell.

Knot, Titchwell.

Curlew, Holme.

Water Rail, Titchwell.

Four Cranes, Lakenheath Fen.

Tree Creeper, Lakenheath Fen.
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