2 weeks to bond with our 10 month old Grandson Toby, so while he was at nursery and they were working we could do what we wanted and we had a car, but there was just as much going on around their apartment complex I didn't really have to go far, there were swamps and woods all around. The migration was still slightly going on and the weather was fair. Saw lots more than these below including Bald Eagles.

Northern Flicker ( complex swamp)

Bluebird (complex Swamp)

They are making a comback

Drumlin Farm (Concord)

American Goldfinch (Drumlin Farm)

Monarch (Verrill Farm)

White-Breasted Nuthatch

Ipswich River State Park

Apartment Complex Swampy Pond

Monarch (Verrill Farm)

Clouded Yellow (Sulphur) (D Farm)

Eider (Georges Island)

American Wigeon (Plum Island)

Great Egret (Plum Island)

Pintail (Plum Island)

Greater Yellowlegs (Plum Island)

Semi-Palmated Sandpiper (Plum Island)

Toby and Michelle trying out the new hiking Carrier, (Ipswich river State Park

It works.

Andrew and Nuthatch (IRSP)

Semi-Palmated Plover (Plum Island)

Northern Harrier (PI)

Red-Winged Blackbird ( Complex)

Great Northern Diver (Cresent Beach Revere)

Red-Breasted Nuthatch (Deer Island)

Yellow Rumped Warbler (Complex Swamp)

Toby finding Grass.
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