David and I got to Dungeness at Sunrise and what a glorious day it turned out to be for taking photo's and just being there. This is such a weird landscape, with both the buildings and the natural coming together to create a peculiar world where photographers can have a field day. We had wall to wall sunshine all day long, very cold but we were very well prepared. After a few hours on the beach where we saw no end of seabirds going past such as Razorbills, Guillimots, Gannets, and as far as the eye could see, Great-Crested Grebes, we headed for the reserve. Some of the birds we saw here were, 2 Great Egrets, some Red-Heads, Buzzard, Marsh Harrier and at least 8 Tree Sparrows which were feeding near the RSPB visiter Centre.

Tree Sparrows By Me.


Shoveler, David C McGough

Tree Sparrow, David C McGough.

Tree Sparrow, David C Mcgough.

The New Lighthouse from just beneath the waves, Dave McGough.

Anglers just after sunrise.

Our Beach Hut.

Just before we launched.

We think this could be a Mushroom farm?

Part of the british Fishing Fleet.

They should invest in more modern equipment.


Me by David C McGough.
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